India Launches Record twenty Satellites In twenty six Minutes, Google could be a client

India Launches Record twenty Satellites In twenty six Minutes, Google could be a client

Shortly when nine am, Asian country with success launched a rocket that deposited a record twenty satellites in twenty six minutes - proof that the country's splendidly scotch area agency, ISRO, is headed for a bigger slice of the moneymaking industrial area market.

The rocket blasted far from the southern spaceport of Sriharikota in province, carrying satellites primarily for international customers as well as the US, Federal Republic of Germany and a Google-owned company.

It was the foremost satellites Asian country has place in area at one go, although Russia set the record of thirty seven for one launch in 2014.

Most of the satellites can enter orbit to look at and live the Earth's atmosphere, whereas another aims to produce service for amateur radio operators.

"Each of those little objects that you simply ar putt into area can perform their own activity, that is freelance of the opposite, and every of them can live an exquisite life for a finite amount," Indian area analysis Organisation (ISRO) chairman A.S Kiran Kumar told NDTV, World Health Organization delineate this morning's exercise as "a job well done."

The business of putt industrial satellites into area for a fee is growing as phone, web and alternative firms further as countries look for larger and a lot of high-tech communications.

India is competitive with alternative international players for a larger share of that launch market, and is thought for its affordable area programme.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed the 20-satellite record as a "monumental accomplishment", tweeting that "our area programme has time and once more shown the transformative potential of science & technology in people's lives."

Last month Asian country with success launched its initial mini space vehicle because it joined the worldwide race to create reusable rockets.

The shuttle was reportedly developed on a budget of only 1 billion rupees ($14 million), a fraction of the billions of greenbacks spent by alternative nation's area programmes.

India in 2013 sent AN unmanned rocket to orbit Mars at a value of simply $73 million, compared with NASA's hotshot Mars mission that had a $671 million tag.

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नवरात्रि एक हिंदू पर्व

Navratri with gayatri softwares

नवरात्रि एक हिंदू पर्व है। नवरात्रि एक संस्कृत शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ होता है 'नौ रातें'। इन नौ रातों और दस दिनों के दौरान, शक्ति / देवी के नौ रूपों की पूजा की जाती है। दसवाँ दिन दशहरा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। नवरात्रि वर्ष में चार बार आता है। पौष, चैत्र,आषाढ,अश्विन प्रतिपदा से नवमी तक मनाया जाता है। नवरात्रि के नौ रातों में तीन देवियों - महालक्ष्मी, महासरस्वती या सरस्वती और दुर्गा के नौ स्वरुपों की पूजा होती है जिन्हें नवदुर्गा कहते हैं। इन नौ रातों और दस दिनों के दौरान, शक्ति / देवी के नौ रूपों की पूजा की जाती है। दुर्गा का मतलब जीवन के दुख कॊ हटानेवाली होता है। नवरात्रि एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रमुख त्योहार है जिसे पूरे भारत में महान उत्साह के साथ मनाया जाता है।

नौ देवियाँ है :-

शैलपुत्री - इसका अर्थ- पहाड़ों की पुत्री होता है।
ब्रह्मचारिणी - इसका अर्थ- ब्रह्मचारीणी।
चंद्रघंटा - इसका अर्थ- चाँद की तरह चमकने वाली।
कूष्माण्डा - इसका अर्थ- पूरा जगत उनके पैर में है।
स्कंदमाता - इसका अर्थ- कार्तिक स्वामी की माता।
कात्यायनी - इसका अर्थ- कात्यायन आश्रम में जन्मि।
कालरात्रि - इसका अर्थ- काल का नाश करने वली।
महागौरी - इसका अर्थ- सफेद रंग वाली मां।
सिद्धिदात्री - इसका अर्थ- सर्व सिद्धि देने वाली।

शक्ति की उपासना का पर्व शारदीय नवरात्र प्रतिपदा से नवमी तक निश्चित नौ तिथि, नौ नक्षत्र, नौ शक्तियों की नवधा भक्ति के साथ सनातन काल से मनाया जा रहा है। सर्वप्रथम श्रीरामचंद्रजी ने इस शारदीय नवरात्रि पूजा का प्रारंभ समुद्र तट पर किया था और उसके बाद दसवें दिन लंका विजय के लिए प्रस्थान किया और विजय प्राप्त की। तब से असत्य, अधर्म पर सत्य, धर्म की जीत का पर्व दशहरा मनाया जाने लगा। आदिशक्ति के हर रूप की नवरात्र के नौ दिनों में क्रमशः अलग-अलग पूजा की जाती है। माँ दुर्गा की नौवीं शक्ति का नाम सिद्धिदात्री है। ये सभी प्रकार की सिद्धियाँ देने वाली हैं। इनका वाहन सिंह है और कमल पुष्प पर ही आसीन होती हैं। नवरात्रि के नौवें दिन इनकी उपासना की जाती है।

नवदुर्गा और दस महाविद्याओं में काली ही प्रथम प्रमुख हैं। भगवान शिव की शक्तियों में उग्र और सौम्य, दो रूपों में अनेक रूप धारण करने वाली दशमहाविद्या अनंत सिद्धियाँ प्रदान करने में समर्थ हैं। दसवें स्थान पर कमला वैष्णवी शक्ति हैं, जो प्राकृतिक संपत्तियों की अधिष्ठात्री देवी लक्ष्मी हैं। देवता, मानव, दानव सभी इनकी कृपा के बिना पंगु हैं, इसलिए आगम-निगम दोनों में इनकी उपासना समान रूप से वर्णित है। सभी देवता, राक्षस, मनुष्य, गंधर्व इनकी कृपा-प्रसाद के लिए लालायित रहते हैं।

अहमदाबाद का गरबा नृत्य

नवरात्रि भारत के विभिन्न भागों में अलग ढंग से मनायी जाती है। गुजरात में इस त्योहार को बड़े पैमाने से मनाया जाता है। गुजरात में नवरात्रि समारोह डांडिया और गरबा के रूप में जान पडता है। यह पूरी रात भर चलता है। डांडिया का अनुभव बडा ही असाधारण है। देवी के सम्मान में भक्ति प्रदर्शन के रूप में गरबा, 'आरती' से पहले किया जाता है और डांडिया समारोह उसके बाद। पश्चिम बंगाल के राज्य में बंगालियों के मुख्य त्यौहारो में दुर्गा पूजा बंगाली कैलेंडर में, सबसे अलंकृत रूप में उभरा है। इस अदभुत उत्सव का जश्न नीचे दक्षिण, मैसूर के राजसी क्वार्टर को पूरे महीने प्रकाशित करके मनाया जाता है।
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Google ties up with Twitter to challenge Facebook's Instant Articles|

Google ties up with Twitter to challenge Facebook's Instant Articles.
In a world where many people read everything on mobile phones, a few seconds of load time can mean the gain or loss of millions of readers and advertising dollars. Now Google wants to help publishers — and itself — by speeding things up.

Google is working with the social media service Twitter and major news publishers like The Guardian and The New York Times to create a new kind of Web link and article storage system that would load online news articles and digital magazine pieces in a few milliseconds, according to several people involved in the project. That is a fraction of the 5 to 10 seconds it can take to load a typical website.

The project is still in its early stages, and many details are still in flux, according to the people involved, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the partners had not yet made an announcement.

The goal is to develop a universal standard for publishers — one that could be used to load articles more quickly wherever they appear. But accomplishing that while retaining the look and feel of those pages has proved difficult.

The effort is also an attempt to protect the Web from the onslaught of mobile applications and steer publishers away from the closed, proprietary systems that are being built by companies like Facebook, Apple and Snapchat.

"Google and Twitter are rightly fearful that publishers are going to start doing something specific for Facebook and they will become an afterthought," said Danny Sullivan, founding editor of Search Engine Land, an industry publication that closely tracks Google and the search industry.

The move is one of several Google initiatives meant to increase its influence with publishers. The company is also exploring ways to use its search engine to increase traffic to high-quality publisher content.

Google makes most of its money from ads sold on websites, including its own search page. For its part, Twitter, which depends heavily on conversations around news articles for its traffic, wants to keep visitors on its platform longer. The new technology would also more prominently display tweets embedded on Web pages.

Twitter and Google declined to comment on the project, which is expected to be announced with initial test partners within the next four to six weeks. Eileen Murphy, a New York Times spokeswoman, confirmed that The Times was one of those initial partners and has been helping Google develop the format.

The tech news site Recode first reported on the project Friday.

According to the people involved in the project, publishers would have to slightly alter their articles' Web coding and make it available to be copied, or cached, so that it could be quickly loaded on Web browsers, Twitter or other services, even those that don't participate. But articles would look and behave like anything else on the Web — complete with banner ads, photos and links to other articles.

Pinterest, the picture-sharing platform, is also involved in the project. The new method is also expected to work on blogs created on the WordPress publishing platform.

The more time people spend with mobile devices, the less they use the Web. This year, U.S. smartphone users are projected to spend 81 percent of their time using mobile apps, versus 19 percent using the mobile Web, according to eMarketer, a research firm.

People often favor mobile apps because they are faster, cleanly formatted and are constantly updated to take advantage of the evolving features of new smartphones.

Despite the migration to apps, much of the content inside popular services like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest continues to come from Web links. And compared to many apps, the Web feels clunky and slow, adding seconds of load time that can prompt impatient mobile users to move on to something else.

Facebook, which is the largest source of referral traffic for many news publishers, began testing a format it calls Instant Articles in May with a handful of large publishers like The Times, BuzzFeed, National Geographic and NBC News.

Facebook hosts the content on its social network and presents it in a streamlined format that loads up to 10 times faster than a typical mobile Web article. Facebook also offers these publishers the choice of selling their own ads on their articles or sharing the proceeds of ads that Facebook sells.

Apple will soon begin offering curated news content from many publishers through an Apple News app built into the latest version of its operating system for iPhones and iPads. And Snapchat, a messaging service, has been working with publishers on custom article formats for its app.

While the new article format proposed by Google and Twitter could be appealing to publishers, it doesn't address what is likely their bigger worry: their increasing reliance on social networks, especially Facebook, for readers.

Google may still be the undisputed king of Web search, but Facebook is starting to have more sway over publishers. In July, Facebook eclipsed Google for the share of referral traffic to publishers — about 40 percent versus 38 percent for Google. Just two years ago, Facebook drove about 12 percent of referral traffic to publishers, according to, which tracks traffic to Web publishers.

Vivian Schiller, an independent media consultant who has been an executive at Twitter, NBC and The Times, said Google's proposed new format would still leave publishers vulnerable.

"Facebook is so incredibly dominant they can still leverage publishers to create Instant Articles. It also doesn't solve the other problem for publishers, which is that social media is the new home page."

Facebook’s Way Past Friends, It Wants to Be Your Whole World

Facebook’s Way Past Friends—It Wants to Be Your Whole World

FACEBOOK DOESN’T JUST want to be a social network. It wants to be your world.

At an event at the company’s Silicon Valley headquarters today, Facebook said that 45 million small businesses worldwide are now using Pages as their digital storefronts. And Facebook wants to make it even easier for you to find businesses, and for businesses to serve you, all within its app.

“Our mission is to help connect everyone in the world. Businesses often depend on connecting,” says Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg. “That’s where Facebook comes in. If you can set up a Facebook profile, you can set up a Page.”

To get more businesses and their customers using Pages, the company launched new updates to make Pages more expansive and mobile-friendly while also helping businesses better connect via messages. Pages can now feature industry-specific sections, meaning a salon could include a menu of the services offered, or a clothing store could include a list of clothes.

Pages will also now prominently feature the option for customers to call, message, or contact businesses directly. Businesses that respond promptly to customer messages will be rewarded with a public badge that says, for example, “very responsive to messages.” Companies can also now save replies that they use frequently and will also have the chance to choose how to reply to you. If you post angrily on a Page’s feed, the company can choose to respond to you in a private message.

Being able to find a service is also an important part of connecting with businesses. Facebook also says it’s working with the search team so that one day you may be able to search for, say, a plumber near you.

Where the People Are
The crux of these new updates comes down to the increasing power of your phone. As more and more users gravitate to mobile, businesses are hoping to reach users where they are. But according to a recent Forrester study, 85 percent of time spent on smartphones happens within apps, not web pages. That’s a problem not just for small businesses but larger businesses, too, says Benji Shomair, Facebook’s product marketing director for Pages. Apps are difficult and expensive to build—plus most users wouldn’t want, say, a company-specific app anyway.

That’s where Facebook comes in. Facebook wants its Pages to act as everyone’s digital mall, a place where any small business can create a Page to reach you, share its services, or eventually offer you the chance to shop. “It’s critical for businesses to be found on mobile,” Shomair says. “On mobile in particular, this is a challenge. Why not be where people are already spending their time?”

That place, of course, is Facebook. As we wrote earlier this year, Facebook wants to create an ecosystem of possible activities that effectively mimics real life, all within its app or bundle of apps. If you want to chat with friends, read the news, or find sneakers in your size, Facebook wants you to do it in Facebook. Facebook wants Facebook to be your world.

Google to Mentor Shortlisted Teams Competing to Build MyGov's PMO App

Google to Mentor Shortlisted Teams Competing to Build MyGov's PMO App

Government citizen-centric web platform MyGov and Google India on Wednesday announced the final shortlisted top five teams from Delhi, Chennai and Pune to build the official mobile app for the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

This contest, initiated by MyGov and Google in March, is a crowdsourcing effort to build a mobile app for a public office. One app out of the five will be chosen as the official app of the PMO, Google India said.

MyGov CEO Gaurav Dwivedi said: "With the short listing of the finalists, the contest has now entered its last phase of actual app development. The role of Google's team in mentoring will be critical at this stage and we are working closely to unveil of the official mobile app for the Prime Minister's Office."

In the first phase of the contest, MyGov had invited ideas for the mobile app. Based on over 50,000 ideas received, it prepared an app blueprint for developers, who could register as teams to build and submit mockups.

In the second phase, more than 110 mockups were received, and 10 were shortlisted. A jury of eminent professionals and government representatives chose five teams to build the app on the basis of detailed presentations.

The shortlisted teamd come from across the country - two from Chennai, two from NCR, and one from Pune, the statement said.

The shortlisted teams will now be mentored for the next six weeks by Google engineers, who will help them develop a world class app based on the latest design and Android technologies, it added.

"As increasing number of Indians get online with their smartphones, we're delighted to be working with MyGov in an effort to build a world class mobile app for the citizens to connect with the Prime Minister's Office," said Google India's country head public policy Chetan Krishnaswamy.

"Easy access to information and empowering citizens with the benefits of Internet are a big part of Prime Minister Modi's "Digital India" initiative, and this app is one step in that direction," he added.

Facebook Moments App Now in India

Creates music videos from photos :
Facebook has announced a new app called Moments, a private way to send and receive photos from friends. The app is available on Google Play and App Store. The Moments app is a photo sharing app at the core that can group the photos on your smartphone based on when it was clicked or organise photos by friends using facial recognition technology. While adding photos of friends, Moments scans your camera roll for familiar photos and quickly syncs them. Moments app is aimed to make syncing photos quickly and easily with specific friends.

With Moments app, users can search for photos of themselves and friends and also save photos other people sync. The photos from Moments app can be shared on Facebook or Instagram and can sent directly to a contact in Messenger. The app also creates music videos from your photos automatically. The Moments app is developed by Facebook’s Creative Labs, the name behind popular Paper, Slingshot, Mentions and Hello apps. The app is now available in India and can be downloaded on Android and iOS devices.

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Twitter lifts limits on direct messages to 140-character

Twitter lifted its character limit for direct messages between users, saying it would help make the private side of Twitter "more powerful and fun."

As a result, these private messages will no longer have the 140-character limit which applies to tweets.

"You can now chat on (and on) in a single Direct Message, and likely still have some characters left over," said product manager Sachin Agarwal in a blog post.

This news is originally published by : Times of India

"While Twitter is largely a public experience, Direct Messages let you have private conversations about the memes, news, movements and events that unfold on Twitter," Agarwal added.

"Today's change is another big step towards making the private side of Twitter even more powerful and fun."

For now, the changes apply to Twitter users with Android and Apple mobile devices, online at or on the TweetDeck application, although Agarwal said the change "will continue to roll out worldwide over the next few weeks." Limits will still apply to those sending messages over SMS.

The move comes as the California company is seeing sluggish growth in its user base compared with other social networks and faces renewed pressure on its shares as it seeks a new chief executive.

Twitter shares were down 1.3% in midday trade, having recovered from last week, when they reached the lowest level since the company's stock market debut in late 2013.

This news is officially published by : Times of India
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